Awaken, connect, and integrate your Self to let your inner light shine.
Dr. Alexandria Saunders
Medicine Woman
Dr. Alexandria Saunders is a medicine woman and holistic sex therapist. Working with Alexandria begins with the self.
This is not a path for someone who is seeking to be healed or to receive direct suggestions on healing. No. This is a path where Alexandria holds the space for you to become your own healer. Through crafting holistic medicine that blends clinical work and research with the mystical and spiritual, Alexandria holds sacred space for you to come into deep relationship with yourSelf.

Healing the wounds of the past and releasing defenses is a process and it takes time. Through devoted work with the Self, Alexandria will hold sacred space for you to ease into yourself.
Through practices that deepen the connection to the Self, you will build a new foundation of safety and connection to grow from. You will awaken to possibility. You will connect and cultivate a love affair with yourself, with life, with the world around you. You will integrate your lost parts into being through tender, loving care.
It is within a container of Wholistic health that Dr. Alexandria offers compassionate space to move beyond the constraints of lessons that no longer serve the Self and into the evolution of Re-membering the Self as divine, as perfect, as love. See the About page for a full explanation of moving away from the medical model and insurance and see the Services page for list of investments.
Coming from a foundation of connecting to the ancient wisdom of the feminine, Dr. Alexandria uses many rituals and ceremonies to deepen a devotion to life. Embodying the Self in the now is crucial in order to return to the authentic self, the part of the self that was shamed away in childhood. Dr. Alexandria integrates somatic practices to fully embrace the body and to communicate with the body in order to deepen the inner knowing and feeling and to feel in alignment with the Self, instead of pushing, pulling, or fighting against. Welcoming the mystical and mysterious into the container offers depth of the Self, often traversing the terrain of the unknown.

Beautiful, Let's Connect
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Please enjoy these offerings as gifts to use in your personal awakening. Accept the invitation to connect with your Self deeper by indulging in these conscious creations.
Work with Alexandria
Sexuality ~ Trauma Healing ~ Memory

Women are built differently and heal differently.
“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”
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Tantra Coach & Medicine Woman
Dr. Alexandria Saunders is a holistic medicine woman who empowers women through her unique online programs. As a space holder, she combines her foundation of inner “knowing” with over a decade of learning and experience as medicine to guide women in realizing their full potential. Through her programs and coaching, she provides women with a safe and supportive space to explore and develop into their most authentic Self.

Orgasmic Queen is a 3 phase reprogramming designed to usher you into a world of pleasure.
A 9 month journey to reclaiming Divine Feminine Pleasure by reintegrating the sexual self into being and Reclaiming your rite of pleasure

Shakti Temple is a space to come and awaken the Divine Feminine within through connecting with our inner power and our rite to pleasure.
Mission Statement

I see a world where we craft the medicine we need and honor our personal, divine paths as driven by our inner knowing and power.
I will hold the space for you to craft the medicine that is calling you and to trust your inner knowing and feeling while returning to your innate wisdom. I will offer my own medicine, including embodiment work, pleasure practices, Tantra, meditation and visualization, inner journey, writing, hypnosis, Shakti feminine yoga, restorative and yin yoga flows, sound healing, grounding, awakening to and healing from past wounds, inner alchemy, womb healing, talk therapy, EMDR therapy, nonviolent communication, parts work, Imago therapy, energy balancing, and sacred living.
I see a world where we embrace our own divinity, witness our power, our rest, and our love.
I will hold the space for you to re-member your holiness, recognizing your sacred nature through coming into relationship with your own divinity and inner knowing and feeling, honoring your needs as they arise.
I see a world where we embrace our sexual selves into being through awakening, healing, connection and full integration of lost parts of the self.
I will hold the space for you to come into deep relationship with yourself, welcoming lost parts of your self home, including your sexual self, your inner child, your authenticity, your voice, your innocence, your wisdom, your heritage, your joy.
I see a world where pleasure is a priority. Where we emphasize joy and feeling in our daily lives.
I will honor conscious pleasure and provide the space for you to connect to your pleasure and to craft a sacred life, full of pleasure and bliss in all areas of being.
I see a world where daily living, speech, breath, action, thought and relationship is intentional, full of love, compassion, and deep reverence for life.
I will hold the space for the blossoming of a deep love affair with yourself and the world.
I see a worldwhere our intuition is honored and revered as the powerhouse of the feminine.
I will provide the space for you to return to your natural rhythm, with your body and with Mother Nature, flowing with both personal and natural cycles with ease.
I see a world where sexuality is embraced as an integral part of the Self
I will hold the space for you to call home your sexual self and to care for your whole Self through divine pleasure and connection through building a healthy and safe sexual foundation with yourself and with others.
I see a world where we live from a place of value, love, kindness, and authenticity.
I will hold the space for you to identify your values and live from a place of authenticity, truly honoring your purpose and your voice.
I see a worldwhere true embodiment is the new normal.
I will hold the space for you to come into your body, your temple, through organic movement, ritual, journeys, and deepening practices that allow for coming into a love affair with the Self, experiencing the divine within.
I see a world where the feminine is experienced by all as divine, where Shakti is exalted, and the feminine nature is healed as those identifying as women (and those wanting to honor their feminine) everywhere step into their wisdom, inner knowing and feeling, and sacred power.
I will hold the space for you to heal the wounds of the feminine (including the mother wound, womb (Hara) wound, and the witch wound) and reclaim your power as a woman (to emphasize, anyone identifying as a woman, regardless of genitalia).
I see a world where our wounds are healed, sending the healing to generations before and generations ahead.
I will hold the space for you to journey into the depths of the source of wounding and to alchemize the pain into knowledge and love in order to fully embody the Self.
I see a world where the womb (the Hara) of the Self and Mother Earth, as well as the moon is experienced as sacred and the connection these relationships have holds healing and possibility
I will hold the space for deep connection with Mother Earth and the Moon and to come into more ritualistic and ceremonious living with yourSelf, Mama Earth, and the cycles of the moon.
I see a world where relationships are an opportunity for healing and growth, as well as holding the foundation of safety and connection in order to feel full aliveness with another being.
I will provide the space for relationships to be nourished through compassionate dialogue and to flourish with aliveness through healing and re-membering to embody ‘lover’ energy, emphasizing safety.
I see a world where living from both passion and rest is honored.
I will provide the space for you to move toward your passions, respecting how you can show up in the world from your authentic, Divine Self, as well as balance with much needed rest and relaxation and to witness the beauty and purpose of both.
I see a world where the mundane is sacred, where there is no difference between heaven and earth.
I will provide the space for you to witness and allow the sacred to unfold in all. In all people, activities, and objects. Coming from a Tantra philosophy, ushering in a new way of being through the power of transfiguration with experiencing the Divine in all, rooting into the Self and alchemizing the perception to love, witnessing from the heart.
What is Sex Therapy?

Sex therapy can include an extremely wide range of sexual health issues, including but not limited to anatomy specific sexual disorders intimacy issues within a relationship, sexual function, and performance concerns, arousal and/or pleasure issues, problems related to desire and/or pain, gender, and sexual orientation, etc.
Mindful Moment Online Course

Mindfulness can provide you with the knowledge of how to be present. In this course, you will learn the root of mindfulness and how to create practical, mindful moments daily to increase peace, joy, and satisfaction.
Clinical Hypnosis

Clinical hypnosis is a form of focused attention in which a trance state is elicited in order to work on pre-identified goals through suggestion and strengthening. Hypnosis utilizes focused absorption in order to be open to change.