the Shakti Goddess

The Shakti Goddess Explained

If you’re working on discovering your spiritual identity and beliefs, you might have stumbled upon the term Shakti, also known as the Shakti Goddess. In the United States, most people are more familiar with patriarchal belief systems, which generally denounce the concept of a feminine goddess and focus solely on a single male god.

In today’s world, a powerful feminine energy, or goddess, is no longer honored or celebrated. And, in fact, many people view worshipping or honoring a goddess as unconventional, new age, and hippie-ish. Nowadays, the idea of a divine feminine energy is completely disregarded, considered blasphemous, or virtually unheard of.

However, the concept and belief in masculine and feminine forms of energy (or gods and goddesses) have actually been around for centuries. Although you may not have heard of the goddess Shakti, millions of people worldwide revere Shakti as the divine feminine energy. By embracing and embodying her divine feminine energy within yourself, you can experience a transformation and feel her inner power within you.

If you’re interested in learning more about the Shakti Goddess and how to tap into her divine feminine energy, then you’ve come to the right place. I’m excited to share more about the Shakti Goddess and how embracing her energy can bring about a positive shift in your mindset, and awaken her incredible power within you.

Who is Shakti?

Goddess Shakti

Unlike the creation story many people grew up with, which depicts a woman being formed from a man, in other parts of the world women and men were regarded as equals. Both masculine and feminine traits were not only acknowledged but also celebrated through respect, admiration, and worship of both gods and goddesses.

Today’s modern monotheistic religions reject the worship of goddesses and view God as an external deity that is outside of yourself. “He” is usually depicted as a personified male. For those who practice Hinduism, however, the worship of goddesses has been cherished for ages.

Shakti is the most prominent goddess in Hinduism. She is worshiped as the mother goddess or Great Goddess. She is believed to represent the dynamic energy of the divine feminine throughout the universe. She is worshipped as the energy powering all other gods and goddesses.

Shakti is not a goddess that you simply worship outwardly. Her energy can be embodied internally. Although Shakti is a widely recognized goddess around the world, her divine energy is largely misunderstood in the US. It is my hope to educate more women so that they understand who Shakti is and how they can experience her immense power within themselves.

What is Shakti the Goddess of?

one of the forms of Shakti

If you are unfamiliar with Hinduism, you might be curious to know what Shakti is the goddess of. Is she associated with fertility or love perhaps? Shakti is not the “goddess of” any specific concept.

Shakti is considered to be the divine force that gives power to all gods in Hinduism.

Without her energy, they are powerless. Shakti’s force can be found within oneself and can be manifested for strength, growth, creativity, power, or fertility.

Hinduism and other polytheistic belief systems revere both gods and goddesses, each possessing unique male and female qualities. They are considered equally important and respected by believers of these faiths.

What does Shakti Mean?

The term shakti comes from the Sanskrit word “Śakti” and means power or energy. In Hinduism, it is considered the dynamic energy of a Hindu God or Goddess.

Different names of Goddess Shakti

Shakti is worshipped in Hinduism as the cosmic energy that existed before the formation of the universe. She’s known by various names and forms across India, with each one representing a unique aspect of her power and personality. You might have heard Shakti referred to as Durga, Kali, or Parvati. These are just a few of her names.

Here are some of her other names and forms: Durga, the goddess of strength and protection, is revered for her power to vanquish evil. Bhadrakali is the fierce and terrifying aspect of Shakti, who destroys negativity with her sword. Amba, the motherly and nurturing form of Shakti, is a symbol of unconditional love and care. Annapoorna Devi is the goddess of food and nourishment, while Sarvamangala embodies the concept of auspiciousness and good fortune.

Bhairavi, the form of Shakti that represents transformation and liberation, inspires her devotees to break free from their limitations. Chandika, the slayer of demons, is known for her fearlessness and tenacity. Tripurasundari, the goddess of beauty and harmony, reminds us of the aesthetic and harmonious aspects of life.

Bhavani is considered the divine mother and protector of the universe, while Mookambika is the goddess of knowledge. Kali, also known as Ma Kali, is one of the most revered forms of Shakti, representing destruction and renewal. With her fierce appearance and sharp sword, she is the embodiment of strength and protection, revered for her power to vanquish evil. Parvati is the gentle and loving wife (or consort) of Lord Shiva and represents the ideal wife and mother.

The names and forms of Shakti reflect the incredible richness of her influence in the universe. Her diverse nature represents the complexity and infinite power that animates all life forms.

Would you Like to Explore the Healing Medicine of Shakti?

Shakti Medicine is a holistic approach to emotional and sexual healing, created by Dr. Alexandria Saunders after feeling stifled by the limitations of traditional medical models. Drawing from a wide range of practices such as Tantra, Somatic Experiencing, Sex Magic, and Sacred Sexuality practices, Shakti Medicine blends together various healing techniques for a unique and integrative experience.

Shakti medicine includes Shadow work, archetypal exploration, Hypnosis, healing trauma, Priestess Initiations, Rites of Passage, Womb Healing, Full body and Yoni De-Armouring, Kundalini Bodywork, Past Life Regression, Pleasure Practices, and traditional therapeutic studies. This melting pot provides a space for ritual and ceremonious care, empowering women to embrace their soul’s purpose and unleash the power of Shakti.

Learn more about Shakti Medicine or Contact Alexandria to schedule a session today! Or enroll in Shakti Temple an online course to help you experience the healing power of Shakti.



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