Alexandria's Blog
Dr. Alexandria Saunders' Somatic Sex Blog
Follow Somatic Sex Coach Dr. Alexandria Saunders’ blog for tips and techniques for deepening your connection with yourself, and your partner, exploring new levels of intimacy, and healing any blocks or traumas that may be preventing you from fully experiencing the joy and pleasure of sex. Alexandria’s blog is for anyone who wants to explore the deeper aspects of sexuality, spirituality, and healing.

Shiva and Shakti: Balancing Masculine and Feminine Energies
If you’re new to meditation, yoga, or Tantra, you may have heard the names, Shiva and Shakti. But, what or who are Shiva and Shakti? Shiva and Shakti are Hindu gods and goddesses, but they’re more than just divine beings. They are the masculine and feminine energies that make up the entire universe. Lord Shiva and Goddesses Shakti are considered to be two unique yet intertwined and interconnected forms of masculine and feminine energy. Similar to

What is Shakti Energy? A Guide to the Divine Feminine Energy
If you are exploring the world of Yoga, you may have come across the term Shakti energy. While many people see Yoga as a form of exercise, it actually encompasses much more than that. Yoga and energy healing are full of concepts that might be new to you. One of the most intriguing concepts is Shakti energy. But what is Shakti energy? Let’s start by discussing Shakti. Shakti is a Hindu Goddess. In India and

The Shakti Goddess Explained
If you’re working on discovering your spiritual identity and beliefs, you might have stumbled upon the term Shakti, also known as the Shakti Goddess. In the United States, most people are more familiar with patriarchal belief systems, which generally denounce the concept of a feminine goddess and focus solely on a single male god. In today’s world, a powerful feminine energy, or goddess, is no longer honored or celebrated. And, in fact, many people view

Tantric Sex: What is it and how to incorporate it into your sexual world
While Tantra is so much more than sex, many of us in the western world are drawn to its philosophy because of the promise of Earth shaking orgasms and the possibility of connecting to the Divine. And, who doesn’t want that?? The thing about Tantra is that it embraces sexuality as necessary, instead of moralizing it by making it sinful. We can detach from the programming that sex is bad or dirty and invite consciousness

What is Tantra and What It’s Not
Tantra has a reputation in the West of being a sexual practice, of 8-hour sexcapades (thanks Sting), orgies, and genital massage. In reality, these can all be a part of one’s tantra practice, but tantra runs much deeper than the sexual. Sex actually only makes up about 5% of Tantra. Really. I was personally shocked at this discovery when I began my tantra studies and practice because I thought that tantra was, for sure, a

So what is a holistic therapist anyway?
When I was in the Diagnosis course in grad school, I remember how excited I was to finally get my hands on the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders, basically the mental health diagnosis bible). I could finally dive into the world of mental illness and have the tools and training to properly diagnose someone. And I did just that. I diagnosed myself, my partner, my dad, my neighbor, the check-out lady

So, what is Sex Therapy anyway
This is a question I get asked A LOT. Especially from friends and people who hear that sex therapy is a thing and not just a thing like you see in the movies, but an actual career. Yes, sex therapy is a legitimate field of therapy. Sexology, the study of human sexuality, is an actual field of study and an actual profession. Since most people engage in sex to some extent (even not engaging in
Honoring Winter
Winter. The cold. The darkness. For some, it marks a dismal time of year and for others, it offers remembrance of light in the form of celebration. But winter is longer than the celebratory holidays and can be a struggle for many. It can be easy to forget that we are a part of this Earth. This planet that spins and cycles. Many of our wild furry friends are tuned into the cycles and live

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Work with Alexandria
Holistic Therapist
Alexandria Saunders

A 9 month journey to reclaiming Divine Feminine Pleasure by reintegrating the sexual self into being and Reclaiming your rite of pleasure
Shakti Temple is a space to come and awaken the Divine Feminine within through connecting with our inner power and our rite to pleasure.