Dear You,
First, know that working with me is most likely a much different experience than working with traditional therapy modalities. I am passionately committed to decolonizing my personhood and my practice, which means recognizing my relationship to the Earth and all who inhabit this space. This also means I honor the rhythms of Mother Nature and connect deeply with the changing seasons and the tides of the moon as a way to honor what has been lost. I steer away from the medical model and perceive you as a whole, complete, unbroken being who has most likely experienced trauma that can take on many forms. I will hold safe, sacred space for you to go into the depths of the shadows within and to witness your own light. I commit to shifting out of paradigms that do not serve the beautiful, whole person that you are, shifting away from the harm of labels and boxes and into the security of wholeness. I commit to seeing you, in all your glory, not as the world sees you, but as your truth unveils the Self.


Beautiful, Let's Connect
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I integrate many avenues into my medicine, intuitively trusting myself and you to collaborate and develop the medicine that you crave and need for deepest healing to occur. I use elemental wisdom, changes in the seasons and the moon, inner journeys, movement, writing, and my own inner knowing and feeling to offer space, gentle and humble guidance, and the truth that you are your greatest healer.
The people who work with me are in (or are feeling the call to come into) deep relationship with the Self. You are willing to traverse the dark, to unveil wisdom that has been hidden away. You are willing to uncover patterns and programming and to release what no longer serves you, in order to pave the way for new lessons to shine through. You commit to devotional time to the Self, moving through the depths to reintegrate and welcome home parts of the Self that are longing to return. You understand that my work is the medicine of my heart and soul. You desire a less conventional approach to therapy, working from a holistic medicine model and you resonate with the need to align your speech, thoughts, and actions with your authentic self. You desire to live life from your truth, healing wounds that need attention and journeying into the places of the self that are calling to you. You hear the voice within as your authority and honor (or are willing to honor) the inner knowing and feeling deep within your intuitive self, your heart, your soul. You are called to try new ways of healing, new approaches to shifting into the Self, you are open-minded and open-hearted.
I see you. I hear you. I understand that my medicine is not for everyone. This letter is meant to inform you and to answer questions you may have about seeking this work we will co-create together. Take time to tune into the Self and listen. Listen for alignment, for calling, for messages that resonate. I am eternally grateful for you.
While I do use some of the scientific approaches I have learned along the way, I integrate depth into this relationship. Everything else is embodied and intuitive, drawing from ancient wisdom.
Dr. Alexadnria Saunders
Work with Me
Somatic Trauma Healing ~ Spiritual - Journey to reclaimig Divine Feminine

Women are built differently and heal differently.
“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”
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Dr. Alexandria Saunders is a somatic healer, focusing on trauma, sexuality, and feminine healing. At this time, these are the only issues Alex currently works with.
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Shakti medicine and online programs for intuitive healing.

Learn more about Alexandria's online programs

A 9 month journey to reclaiming Divine Feminine Pleasure by reintegrating the sexual self into being and Reclaiming your rite of pleasure

Shakti Temple is a space to come and awaken the Divine Feminine within through connecting with our inner power and our rite to pleasure.
Somatic Trauma Healing from Alexandria Saunders
From the Blog

Please enjoy these offerings as gifts to use in your personal awakening. Accept the invitation to connect with your Self deeper by indulging in these conscious creations.